Next stop after Muncy was Odessa Texas to work at one of our sister shops. Man was it hot it ranged from God it’s HOT,to damn did that guy just burst into flames……..hahahaa. But seriously it ranged from 98 to 113 degrees f,almost the whole time we were there. We worked an awful lot of hours in our two week rotation there.
Now I’ve been to Odessa before,and since then I had heard they had a Graffitti contest and some outdoor calisthenics workout areas in the surrounding areas Midland/Odessa. So I found out I was going there again,so I started researching but didn’t get anything concrete till I got down there. Once I got to work down there began asking coworkers if they had heard about the Legal graffitti wall.During my previous visit a coworker told me about the wall,but didn’t have the time to show me during that rotation.Another coworker found the location of the wall through one of his friends(thanks Javier and Sammy for the fatcap info),another colleague did find out about an outdoor calisthenic course at a local park but was too hot to workout outside after 10+ hour days.
So onto the Holy Grail”Legal Wall”,the shops that use to carry the caps locally went out of business.And once I did have a chance to go and find the Wall it was two days before I was to fly out,needless to say I didn’t get to paint this time around.But I did get some pics of what was there,so to all you Aeroheads out there try to contact people local to the area you’re traveling to. It felt good to find it this time around. I had even asked a local working at Lids in Odessa Mall who didn’t know these walls existed right there in his backyard. He showed me some pics of a recent trip he had made to Austin Texas,they have a crazy Legal graff wall…….Other places and events to checkout in the future.
Thanks to the crew in Odessa for help finding the wall and related items,and for putting up with me (Gato 21) for two weeks! Peace Love and Hair grease…….Check out the Instagram account for the rest of the pics…..
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