Finally getting this one posted,sorry for the late post as time and distance have kept me from writing while traveling.While working in Muncy PA,a coworker and myself happened across a poster advertising a couple of bands playing that weekend at the very hotel we were staying at.It was a benefit show for the SPCA,well we decided to go on the night of the show.We had put in a lot of hours while working there,we knew we needed some R&R to unwind a bit.Awesome decision by the way,no sarcasm whatsoever.
It turned out to be a good night,met a lot of cool people and a couple of dogs.Remember we said SPCA! Well we didn’t know what to expect from the bands except the first one was metal/party rock and the following act was steampunk. Well the first bands name is American Evil hailing from central PA.The crowd wasn’t exactly what I expected at a rock show,only about 30 or so people and no Metal Head types, other than my coworker and myself everyone was sitting down for the actual show.For not being Evil Americans type of crowd,they played like it was a larger and more packed venue than what it was.
Awesome energy and antics,wicked pissah as I would say.My colleague and I were probably the only people really listening and standing next to the stage.I would love to see these guys in a regular type crowd,IE their natural crowd….rock,metal heads,having fast loud fun.Seeing them made being up there a little bit more bearable.When they were done I chatted a bit with their merch salesman,who was their friend and local artist.So I wound up buying a couple of tees and some art he had prepared for someone else who never showed up.So here are a couple of pics of the tees and other art I had purchased.And to American Evil tell your friend and yourselves to hit me up on facebook….Sorry no pics from the show as I was actually watching it….peace,love,and hairgrease….
Gato 21
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