Here we go again been picking up art supplies here and there.Paint markers and some aerosol, thanks Oink art for the Fresh paint waiting for the humidity to go so I can dig in.I also picked up some Liquitex art aerosol and we’ll see how it holds up to the others.Still got some Montana Golds left….
Now that I have said all that just getting started on the projects and finishing others is at a standstill. Got the ideas and most of the supplies for painting.
Putting the finishing touches on the store to get it fully functional and rolling. Figuring out the shipping info and ensuring international customers are covered also.Lots of info to sift through, and ensure all is correct as far as I know. Which brings me to the blockage of not moving on the canvases, and taking more of the rough drafts and digitizing them for future projects and tee prints to come.
Well they won’t do themselves so I gotta get back on my grind and hustle. …
Peace out. Gato21
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